LIVE Event Starts Monday, September 16th @ 5pm PST

19x Your Lead Conversion

And Get Back 20 Hours A Week, By Joining




LIVE Event Starts Monday, September 16th @ 5pm PST

Live Challenge Recordings Will Be Available

YES! This is The Same Strategy That Made Me $332,286 In Real Estate Commissions (Per Year) While Working Less Then 10 Hours A Week.

As Real Estate Agents, we have way to many jobs. We have to generate leads, follow up with clients, work late hours, do our own marketing, be at our clients beck and call, and so much more.

And I don't know about you, but I'm tired of working 80 hours a week making S#!T for pay...

Which is why we came up with the Automated Agent Challenge to help you automates 80% of your real estate business so you'll have more time, money, and freedom to do the things that really matter to you.

During this event you'll FINALLY be able to automate your follow up, booked appointments, lead generation, and so much more!

For A Small One-Time Payment

Of Just $1,997 $100 You Get...

  • LIVE 10 Day Automated Agent Challenge.....................($1,997 Value)

    • Live Event Recordings Available

  • The Lazy Agent CRM FREE For 90 Days...........................($897 Value)

    • Full CRM & AI Access

  • All Proven Follow Up Campaigns.....................................($1,997 Value)

  • Live Weekly Q&A With Tommy Mutchler.......................($6,000 Value)

  • Lifetime Access To The Lazy Agent Community.......($3,6000 Value)

  • LIVE 10 Day Automated Agent Challenge

    ($1,997 Value) Recordings Available

  • The Lazy Agent CRM FREE For 90 Days

    ($897 Value) Full CRM & AI Access

  • All Proven Follow Up Campaigns

    ($1,997 Value)

  • Live Weekly Q&A With Tommy Mutchler

    ($6,000 Value)

  • The Lazy Agent Community

    ($3,6000 Value)

Total Value: $14,491.00 Payment

Start Today For Only:


After 90 days, it just $297/mo. Cancel anytime with zero hassle.

What Are Others Already Saying?

"I Already Have 17 Appointments, 5 Homes SOLD!"

"I have 9,000 Leads And A TON of Booked Appointments"


BONUS #1 - The Lazy Agent CRM FREE For 90 Days

The Lazy Agent CRM FREE For 90 Days

Total Value: $897

Get Full Access To The Worlds Most Powerful CRM That Can Fully Automate Your Real Estate Business (Well...Most of it anyways). The Lazy Agent CRM can follow up with your leads, turn them into booked appointments, and almost run your entire business while you sleep!

Plus The Lazy Agent CRM Comes With...

  • Full CRM Only Access

  • All AI Tools & Features

    • Conversational AI Booking Bot

    • Lead Monitoring & Managing AI

    • Customizable AI Follow Up

    • Customizable Long Term AI Nurture

    • And So Much More!

  • All Proven Follow Up Campaigns Pre Installed

  • Full Marketing Suite

  • Full Automation Suite

  • A Mostly Done For You System

  • 24/7/365 Real Human Support (Live Chat, Zoom, Email)

  • And So Much More!

  • Full CRM Only Access

  • All AI Tools & Features

    • Conversational AI Booking Bot

    • Lead Monitoring & Managing AI

    • Customizable AI Follow Up

    • Customizable Long Term AI Nurture

    • And So Much More!

  • All Proven Follow Up Campaigns Pre Installed

  • Full Marketing Suite

  • Full Automation Suite

  • A Mostly Done For You System

  • 24/7/365 Real Human Support (Live Chat, Zoom, Email)

  • And So Much More!

Get This For FREE For 90 Days
When You Join The Automated Agent Challenge!

After 90 days, its just $297/mo. Cancel anytime with zero hassle.

BONUS #2 - All Proven Follow Up Campaigns

19X Your Lead Conversion With

Our PROVEN Follow Up Campaigns

Total Value: $1,997

These are the EXACT follow up campaigns that I used to book over 500 Appointments and make over $1,000,000! (Previously For Sold For $1,997 with over 200 Satisfied customers All Yours For FREE)

The Proven Follow Up Campaigns Comes With...

  • New Lead Follow Up Campaigns

  • Nurture Follow Up Campaigns

  • Reactivation Campaigns

  • Appointment Campaigns

  • Transaction Templets

  • Buyer Campaigns

  • Seller Campaigns

  • Plus So Mutch More!

Get This For FREE When You

Join The Automated Agent Challenge!

BONUS #3 - Live Weekly Q&A With Tommy Mutchler

When You Need Help or Have That Burning Question, You Can Now Ask Me ANYTHING

Total Value: $6,000

Every Thursday I host a live exclusive Q&A where you can personally ask me anything. Need help automating your business? Just ask! Want me to show you personally how to build an automation? Just ask! Want help generating leads automatically? Just ask! Please note this is a private Live Q&A. Only members of The Lazy Agent Community are allowed to join.

Get This For FREE When You

Join The Automated Agent Challenge!

BONUS #4 - The Lazy Agent Community

Join Top Real Estate Agents

Inside The lazy Agent Community

Total Value: $3,564/yr

Every Thursday I host a live exclusive Q&A where you can personally ask me anything. Need help automating your business? Just ask! Want me to show you personally how to build an automation? Just ask! Want help generating leads automatically? Just ask! Please note this is a private Live Q&A. Only members of The Lazy Agent Community are allowed to join.

Get This For FREE When You

Join The Automated Agent Challenge!

YES Tommy! Give Me Access To The Automated Agent Challenge and The Lazy Agent CRM FREE For 90 DE

For A Small One-Time Payment

Of Just $1,997 $100 You Get...

  • LIVE The 10 Day Automated Agent Challenge............($1,997 Value)

    • Live Event Recordings Available

  • The Lazy Agent CRM FREE For 90 Days.......................($897 Value)

    • Full CRM Access

  • All Proven Follow Up Campaigns...................................($1,997 Value)

  • Live Weekly Q&A With Tommy Mutchler.......................($6,000 Value)

  • Lifetime Access To The Lazy Agent Community..........($3,564 Value)

  • LIVE The 10 Day Automated Agent Challenge

    ($1,997 Value) Recordings Available

  • The Lazy Agent CRM FREE For 90 Days

    ($897 Value) Full CRM & AI Access

  • All Proven Follow Up Campaigns

    ($1,997 Value)

  • Live Weekly Q&A With Tommy Mutchler

    ($6,000 Value)

  • The Lazy Agent Community

    ($3,564 Value)

Total Value: $14,491.00 Payment

Start Today For Only:


After 90 days, it just $297/mo. Cancel anytime with zero hassle.

"I Already Have 17 Appointments, 5 Homes SOLD!"

"I have 9,000 Leads And A TON of Booked Appointments"

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